How two of my clients got $200k+ jobs during a global pandemic



It’s impossible to get a high paying job during COVID. Everyone knows that.

Except two of my clients just landed $200k+ jobs.

Let’s start with ‘Rob’ (not his real name - he’s a high-profile executive and wants to remain anonymous).

Rob left his last exec role 18 months ago. Now you’d think it would be easy for a high level boss to walk into another well paying job - but it’s often not.

You see, there just aren’t that many exec roles around at any one time.

And the recruitment process is usually a formality because they already know who they want. These types of jobs aren’t generally advertised on online job boards either.

Rob would sit for months and get zero calls from recruiters.
And for the roles Rob did apply for, he got rejected every time. With each knock-back, his confidence took a further hit, until one day he knew he had a problem he couldn't fix on his own.

Rob had progressed to the fourth interview stage for a...

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How good is your Money Mindset? Take the test!

How strong is your Money Mindset? Take the test and find out!

Answer the questions below to find out if you could be making a ton more money in your business or career.

*Note: If none of the answers apply to you, choose the statement that fits best.



A) That will only happen if I win the lottery  (1 point)

B) Maybe I could make that in the next 5-10 years  (2 points)

C) I'm on my way to hitting $1m  (3 points)

D) That's as easy as having a shower  (4 points)



A) I've never earned more than my parents  (1 point)

B) My income stays about the same every year  (2 points)

C) I'm one of the highest income earners in my family & friends circle  (3 points)

D) I'm rich - I make truckloads of money  (4 points)



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The Incorrect Assumption People Make About Debt



There’s one assumption people make about debt that’s WRONG.

People get this wrong whether they’re $5,000 or $100,000 in debt.

And it keeps them stuck in a paralysing cycle.

It's exactly what happened to my client, Toni.

Toni felt like she was drowning in debt and she couldn't face it anymore.

That's when she hopped on my 5 day Money Blocks Breakthrough Challenge and reached out to me for help. 

Like a lot of people, Toni had assumed that to get out of debt, you need to make more money.

She'd been trying this for years and was getting nowhere.

Sure, you need money coming in to pay off a debt balance. But that’s treating the symptom.

It’s like putting cream on a rash when you don’t know the cause.

It turns out you’re allergic to canned tomatoes, but you don’t know that. So you keep eating tomatoes and keep using your rash cream.

You get temporary relief with each outbreak, but the problem never goes away.

You might struggle...

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How I Got Out of $97,000 of Personal Debt


Today I want to share my story about how I got out of $97,000 of credit card debt.

Yep… $97,000.

I felt inspired to share this because a friend of mine told me yesterday that she thought I’d had a perfect life and I’d never struggled with money.

Can you believe it?

If that’s what my friend thought, then it means I’ve been pretty darn good at keeping my debt a secret… and I did it mostly because I was so embarrassed about it.

I’ve been keeping it a secret when in fact, it’s the whole reason I went looking for help and stumbled across money blocks.

Finding and releasing my money blocks changed my entire money story and also allowed me to quit my corporate job and create my dream business.

I shared a video today in my private Facebook group about my personal story and why I’m so passionate about showing business owners how to fix their relationship with money.

I wanted you to see it too, even if you’re not in my...

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How Your Mind Really Works


The best symbol of the mind is an iceberg. If you want to change where the visible part of your life moves, you’ve got to look at what’s happening in what’s hidden below the surface. 


Your Mind Is Not Your Brain

Your mind is your entire operating system, including your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your habits. It's everything about how you operate, including your body that physically carries out the instructions given by the conscious or subconscious mind. 


The Iceberg Metaphor 

What we can see of the iceberg above the surface of the water is actually misleading in comparison to the size of the whole thing. As you can see from this image, there is a pristine formation on the top, while what’s hidden underneath is an absolutely massive formation that is kind of doing its own thing.

This is exactly how your mind works. Let’s look at the two parts:  


Your Conscious Mind 

The top part of the...

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Why Most People Suck At Achieving Their Goals


Achieving goals is as simple as going from Point A to Point B. Point A is where you are right now, and Point B is where you want to go. So why do so few people ever actually arrive at Point B? 


A Twofold Problem

The reason so few people achieve their goals is two-fold: 

  1. People don't have clear goals, so they can’t be effective in reaching them.
  2. People don't address the root cause of why they failed to achieve those goals, and they just simply reset them. 

The first half of the problem is easy to solve: Just get specific. For example, don’t just say “I want to earn more money.” Write down, “I want to make $10,000/month.” If you need more help getting specific about your goals, leave your comment below and I will send you some free materials to help.

For now, it’s the second half of the problem we need to address more closely: the root cause of previous failures. 

If you think about what I've said--Point A being...

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How To Break The Cycle of Being Bad With Money


When you lose sight of how much you spend, it is really easy for small things to add up and get out of control, keeping you stuck in that feeling that you’re “Just bad with money.” 

Get back on top of your money by increasing the visibility of your expenses! 

Let’s look at how it works… 


Tracking Allows You to Identify the Problem and Manage It  

When you pay attention to what you spend and you keep those numbers visible in the front of your mind, then you can actually take practical action to manage your money game.

In the Money Mindset Bootcamp that I run, one of the big things that we do is to look at your money in real terms. We gather the data of your income and spending habits, and from there we set what your budget is.  

The first step is to review your bank statements and bills and do the math to get an idea of roughly what it is that you spend and where. (Some people don’t even realize they spend...

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Where Self-Limiting Beliefs Come From


Today we’re discussing self-limiting beliefs and paradigms. 
Your beliefs are not just your thoughts, they also seep into your habits, behavior and character. 

Self-limiting beliefs are formed at a very young age. Around the age of four or five your conscious mind isn't fully formed. A young, impressionable mind doesn’t have the ability to interpret things to either accept them or reject them. It absorbs everything that goes on around you and pretty soon you end up thinking “this is how the world works”, and it becomes your paradigm. 

Whether your parents were happy or they argued, whether money was tight or not, it had an impact on your subconscious mind. That’s how beliefs about money are formed. Over hearing conversations like “money doesn't grow on trees” or “rich people are greedy” would have conditioned you to have a certaing paradigm or belief about money. 


How To Reprogram Self-limiting...

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How To Identify Your Money Blocks


What Are Money Blocks? 

Money blocks are self-limiting beliefs around your income and income goals. They work at a deep level of your sub-conscious mind to trip you up in the form of self-sabotage. 

Money blocks may show up in your work as:

  • Procrastinating 
  • Not completing things or half-doing things
  • Not following up your leads 
  • Making excuses to back out of commitments and goals 
  • Focusing on difficulty rather than opportunity

As these effects of money blocks pile up, you feel a constant pull in opposite directions that stops you from taking effective action. 


Discovering Money Blocks 

This short exercise will help you identify your money blocks so you can start clearing them faster.

  • Step 1: Think about a particular income goal you have, (i.e. $10,000/month). 
  • Step 2: Close your eyes and really visualize that number. 
  • Step 3: Double it. 

This is your new income goal. Your previous goal was too low. You could be making...

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The Missing Piece To Your Success


When it comes to setting and achieving your business goals, there are many different elements that make up a successful business. To make a regular, recurring income as a solo entrepreneur, you need to master the following components:

  • Your offer: you’ve got to have an offer that appeals to people and that solves a painful problem

  • A Solution: you have to solve the problem your customers are facing - either by already having the skills to solve the problem yourself, or you may need to up-skill to stay at the top of your game and keep evolving your solution.

  • Work Ethic: to be successful in business, you've got to be prepared to get off your backside, do the work and show up consistently in your business.

  • Mindset: mindset is the absolute key, because if your mindset is not in the right place, then it affects every other element. Your mindset underpins everything else that you do in your business so you've really got to work out how to operate with the best energy and attitude...
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