How To Genuinely Believe Your Affirmations


Affirmations can play an important role in attracting more wealth and abundance IF they're used correctly! Unfortunately, in many cases, affirmations don't really work - and the reason has to do with the level of faith we put into them.

Do you really believe your affirmations? That's the question you really need to answer.

There are several ways to test your level of belief around your affirmations. One exercise you can try is to rate yourself out of 10 on a series of affirmations to see whether you actually believe them. The process for doing this would be:

  1. Say the affirmation out loud
  2. Score yourself out of ten in terms of how true or achievable the affirmation feels (note: this is a believability score rather than a measure of how much you want the outcome).

For each affirmation, a low score would indicate that you carry some resistance towards achieving your own goals. This may also lead you to make incorrect assumptions - for example, that you aren’t meant to be successful. However, the root of the problem lies in the existence of some emotional blocks you’ve likely been carrying for some time.

It’s these blocks that prevent you from achieving your goals and operating at your best. When you learn how to free yourself from these mental and emotional blocks, you will start functioning more freely and you will soon realise that you can actually deal with that resistance, as well.

Interestingly, many people find that they experience a physical sensation when they focus on the believability of their affirmations - for example, reciting a goal they’ve had for some time may bring on a sick feeling in their stomach. Other people find that reading their affirmations aloud can spark strong emotions, including anger and a sense of failure.

To understand why these emotions come to the surface, it’s important to note that the mind is actually a combination of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, as well as the actions you take. You can identify and change negative thoughts by addressing the emotions that hide behind them.

A very effective way to shift your energy around your affirmations is to use a technique called Tapping. You can locate your karate chop point (on the side of your hand, next to you pinky) and tap gently on this part of your hand with two fingers from the opposite hand.

You can then say each of your affirmations and continue to score your level of believability out of ten. Example of affirmations might include:

  • I always arrive on time for my appointments
  • I am happy, positive and I radiate positive energy
  • I live in a home I really love
  • I generate profits easily and in large quantities
  • I am an articulate public speaker
  • I am aware of the resistance I have been carrying along with me and I am ready to let it go to operate in a better way

As you score yourself for each statement, make a note of any emotions that arise. This will give you some insight into the source of any resistance behind your affirmations.

Some emotions can be associated with traumatic experiences. For example, if you gave yourself a low score on a statement such as “I am an articulate public speaker”, it may signify that you have associated a fear of public speaking with a past trauma, such as a previous presentation where you got stuck and felt embarrassed.

By repeating the process of tapping as you recite each of your affirmations, you will start to neutralise your resistance to achieving these outcomes - and you will see your score start to rise against each statement.

Once your negative emotions and thoughts have been neutralised, you’ll be able to shift to a more empowered state where you can finally take proper action and stop sabotaging yourself all the time. This will trigger a cycle of:

  • Changing your emotions around your affirmations
  • Improving your thoughts and raising your belief level
  • Taking effective action towards your goals
  • Bringing on permanent changes in your behaviour to consistently achieve your goals

It is absolutely possible to fast track the process of genuinely believe your affirmations with Tapping. Check out the video above for a full demonstration of this technique and then give it a go - you have to try it to believe it!


To you success,

p.s. Whenever you're ready to experience a massive money mindset breakthrough, here's how I can help you: 

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