How I Used the Law Of Attraction To Build My 6 Figure Business

Back in my corporate days, my manager used to tell me that I wouldn't make it to the top because I was too nice and too honest.
Turns out he was right on both counts.
I totally own being nice and because of that,  I am now living my big dream of running my own business where being nice is not just an asset, it's a pre-requisite (and I only invite nice people into my program).
As for honesty, I see it as my duty to tell people the truth about what's stopping them from having more wealth and freedom. That's actually what they pay me for - to identify the blocks they can't see. 
Funny thing is, YouTube thinks I'm too honest too.
So much so that they banned my latest video!
I created a video about The Law Of Attraction and why it's not working for most people... and they kept shutting it down.
Apparently the content was 'too sensitive'.
I kind of get it... but I also believe the only way to create a better life is...
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The Truth About The Law Of Attraction

Are you familiar with The Law of Attraction?
It states that "whatever you feel and believe, you will attract more of into your life".
It's based on the idea that 'like attracts like'.
It sounds easy enough, but most people are actually using it the wrong way.
For example, to use the Law of Attraction to manifest more money, many entrepreneurs and professionals create and recite affirmations that focus on prosperity and abundance. 
But these affirmations don’t always work. 
Here's why:

First of all, concepts like ‘prosperity’ and ‘abundance’ are really non-specific and they don’t draw out any resistance we might have to going after a specific money goals. 

More importantly, when you say words like, “I'm so grateful that I’ve manifested a million dollars by the end of this year” but you don’t really believe it, you actually align yourself more strongly to the...

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What does $100k mean to you?


Last week someone on my email list threatened to report me for false advertising. Yikes!

A few years ago, I would have totally panicked about a comment like that… but instead, I couldn’t wait to tell Eric and we had a big laugh about it!

Wanna know what I said that triggered someone into sending me hate mail? 

Well, it was an email about a client result that sounded too good to be true, so someone decided it couldn’t possibly be true. 

Here’s what I sent:



Big money can be a funny thing - we can love it or hate it. 

When you’re in $100k of debt, like I was, the thought of $100k can make you feel sick because all you see is your debt.

Toni felt the same way too a year ago. 

When she first joined my program, she was in $100k of debt and she hated thinking about money and opening her bills. 

As you’ve probably heard, Toni was able to totally shift her energy around money and six months...

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How To Have a Money Breakthrough In 2021


Paying back $100k of long-term consumer debt in 9 months is something I’m incredibly proud of.

Not just because of the hard work and the strategies it required, but because I had to search deep within myself and completely shift my relationship with money.

See, a few years ago, I was presenting an illusion of success to the world.

I had a high-paying finance job with a major media company and a couple of side hustles… but I was also hiding a huge secret - I was in $100k of consumer debt.

Even though I was earning good money and I could pay my bills, I found myself stuck on a financial rollercoaster where I would make great money and watch it all go out the door.

I hardly saved anything and getting a deposit together for a property seemed like a distant dream.

I also desperately wanted to grow my coaching business and leave my 9 to 5, but I felt like an imposter.

Here I was - a coach and a professional in the finance industry and yet even with the best money...

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Where Your Money Blocks Come From


The first time I felt shame about money was when I was 4 years old, and it happened somewhere totally unexpected.

I used to have a friend at school who got free snacks because her Mum volunteered at the school canteen and we’d often go together and get something tasty. One day, I went without my friend and asked for a strawberry frozen yoghurt (my favourite) and her Mum told me I’d have to start paying for my food.

I hadn’t known, of course, that she’d been paying for those ‘free’ snacks behind the scenes all along. What I did know was that I stood there, 4 years old, suddenly aware that I needed money and deeply humiliated by not having any.

I started looking around at the other kids and comparing myself. The rich kids had money for the canteen and Reebok shoes. Their parents were doctors or lawyers. I wasn’t like them. The shame I felt stopped me from telling my parents about what had happened and though I didn’t realise it at...

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The Perfect Companion For Your Marketing

I spent many years following gurus who preached the idea of persevering through difficult challenges and “never giving up.”
It's not terrible advice. Obviously if you quit, it's game over.

But "never giving up" is not enough.
The harsh truth is: if you keep using the wrong techniques, you may never get there.
This realization occurred to me when I came across a business coach's video about getting your marketing right.
I had been stuck on a marketing issue for far too long. And I mean 'stuck' because by not knowing what to change, I couldn’t get the results I wanted.
The thought of never getting there terrified me. So I hired this business coach... and he helped me fix my issue on our very first call!
That's what happens when you fork out the big bucks and get help from an expert.
And then it dawned on me... the exact same thing is true for your money mindset: if you never clear your money blocks, you may...
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Client Results: How Karen made an extra $4k per month

Think it's possible to make an extra $4K per month by writing it on a slip of paper?

For most people, it isn't. They write out the same goals year after year, or make vision boards... and nothing changes.

But it just happened to my client, Karen.

See, Karen recently stumbled across a goal she wrote a year ago while she was doing tax prep.

“I am earning fifteen hundred dollars per week,” she wrote.

Karen had forgotten all about this slip of paper.

Like a lot of people, Karen had set goals like this in the past with no luck. She felt stuck because she didn’t have the time to work on her goals or get extra support.


I'm sure you've heard that famous definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Karen realized that's what she was doing and she decided to try a different approach. She followed up on a conversation we had two years ago and ended up joining my Money Blocks Breakthrough Program.

Karen wanted to make more...

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How good is your Money Mindset? Take the test!

How strong is your Money Mindset? Take the test and find out!

Answer the questions below to find out if you could be making a ton more money in your business or career.

*Note: If none of the answers apply to you, choose the statement that fits best.



A) That will only happen if I win the lottery  (1 point)

B) Maybe I could make that in the next 5-10 years  (2 points)

C) I'm on my way to hitting $1m  (3 points)

D) That's as easy as having a shower  (4 points)



A) I've never earned more than my parents  (1 point)

B) My income stays about the same every year  (2 points)

C) I'm one of the highest income earners in my family & friends circle  (3 points)

D) I'm rich - I make truckloads of money  (4 points)



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How To Break The Cycle of Being Bad With Money


When you lose sight of how much you spend, it is really easy for small things to add up and get out of control, keeping you stuck in that feeling that you’re “Just bad with money.” 

Get back on top of your money by increasing the visibility of your expenses! 

Let’s look at how it works… 


Tracking Allows You to Identify the Problem and Manage It  

When you pay attention to what you spend and you keep those numbers visible in the front of your mind, then you can actually take practical action to manage your money game.

In the Money Mindset Bootcamp that I run, one of the big things that we do is to look at your money in real terms. We gather the data of your income and spending habits, and from there we set what your budget is.  

The first step is to review your bank statements and bills and do the math to get an idea of roughly what it is that you spend and where. (Some people don’t even realize they spend...

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Make More Money and Give More of Your Time


What Is The The Law Of Reciprocity?

At the most basic level, we could use the entrepreneur example: you've got something to sell, products or services, and you will provide those in exchange for a fee. 

That's kind of basic giving and receiving, but I believe there is a much broader application of that as well, in business, and certainly in other aspects of life. 

Some of the mentors that I've worked with, like Akbar Sheikh and Julie Tingen who both use the tagline “make more so you can give more” believe that we, as entrepreneurs, can make as much money as we can so that we can ultimately give a lot more back. 


Do You Feel That Making More Money Is Greedy? 

Some people feel that making a lot of money is really greedy.  If that applies to you I'd urge you to challenge yourself look for the belief that’s causing that particular money block. 

There's no reason why you have to be greedy if you make a lot of money. My view is...

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