How Toni Cleared $100k of Debt in 6 Months


Meet Toni. She’s not a celebrity, not famous, but she’s got an incredible story worth sharing. She managed to clear $100k of credit card debt (and you can too).

We started together about 6 months ago, and Toni was completely overwhelmed.

The anxiety, the guilt, feeling like a failure, wondering how she’d ever get a handle on the debt.

Even though she had the option of selling her house, she knew she had to address the underlying issue that had gotten her there in the first place, otherwise, it’d just happen again- except this time she wouldn’t have a house to bail herself out with.

She’d done course after course and spent a whole lot of money searching for that magic pill to help her get out of her situation. But it was only when she enrolled in my Debt To Diamonds course that she finally got her money mindset right- and the numbers followed.

“We met on a cruise a couple of years ago and I thought I could work with you. It was your...

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The Perfect Companion For Your Marketing

I spent many years following gurus who preached the idea of persevering through difficult challenges and “never giving up.”
It's not terrible advice. Obviously if you quit, it's game over.

But "never giving up" is not enough.
The harsh truth is: if you keep using the wrong techniques, you may never get there.
This realization occurred to me when I came across a business coach's video about getting your marketing right.
I had been stuck on a marketing issue for far too long. And I mean 'stuck' because by not knowing what to change, I couldn’t get the results I wanted.
The thought of never getting there terrified me. So I hired this business coach... and he helped me fix my issue on our very first call!
That's what happens when you fork out the big bucks and get help from an expert.
And then it dawned on me... the exact same thing is true for your money mindset: if you never clear your money blocks, you may...
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Have you been neglecting your mindset?

The other day I replaced a cartridge in a high-end water purifier.

It was meant to take 5 minutes… but it took me over an hour (and after a couple of tantrums, I finally asked someone to help me!)

Was there something wrong with the filter? Nope.

Did I follow the instructions incorrectly? Not this time (although that has happened before!).

The problem was, I hadn’t used this particular water purifier in several years. This caused the filter cartridge to get over-saturated and it created a tight seal inside the unit. So separating the filter cartridge from the lid required a mammoth effort.

At first I felt annoyed because the advertised '5 minute filter change' had failed by miles. But of course I accepted it was my fault, and because of one thing - neglect.

It's actually a story I see playing out all the time in the mindset space.

Most business owners believe their mindset is fine because they read 'Think And Grow Rich' ten years ago. So they go about spending all their...

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$25k in 12 hours...


$25k in 12 hours…

A few weeks ago, I helped someone make a subtle mindset shift and he closed a $6.5k sale the next day.

He messaged me again today to let me know he made $25k in 12 hours… and is on track to hit $40k-$50k this week.

Amazing result and one I’ve been very reluctant to take any credit for. Except he keeps sending me voice messages saying a shift has taken place.

See, this guy isn’t even my client. He’s my coach.

In case you’ve missed my last few posts, I recently hired a business coach, Richard Fletcher, who specialises in messaging and copywriting.

I signed up right in the middle of coronavirus because I was ready to build momentum. But I had noticed Richard wasn’t promoting his higher-ticket program (the one I joined).

Instead, he had switched to a lower cost offer that was making great money, but I sensed something else was going on. So I asked Richard about it and he admitted he assumed people wouldn't pay...

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How good is your Money Mindset? Take the test!

How strong is your Money Mindset? Take the test and find out!

Answer the questions below to find out if you could be making a ton more money in your business or career.

*Note: If none of the answers apply to you, choose the statement that fits best.



A) That will only happen if I win the lottery  (1 point)

B) Maybe I could make that in the next 5-10 years  (2 points)

C) I'm on my way to hitting $1m  (3 points)

D) That's as easy as having a shower  (4 points)



A) I've never earned more than my parents  (1 point)

B) My income stays about the same every year  (2 points)

C) I'm one of the highest income earners in my family & friends circle  (3 points)

D) I'm rich - I make truckloads of money  (4 points)



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Is Toxic Money Poisoning Your Business?


Toxic money is money that comes to you with negative energy attached to it. In exchange for receiving toxic money, we pay a heavy emotional price. Worse still, it often prevents you from earning your own money. 


Different Types of Toxic Money

Toxic money comes from a wide variety of negative circumstances such as lawsuits, settlements, inheritance, child support, compensations, etc. 

It could be money you feel entitled to, or money you feel cheated out of. 

It could be money you feel you need to survive, but can’t comfortably depend on. Or, it could be money that you had to fight a huge battle to get.

Regardless of how it comes in, all toxic money comes with a negative emotional charge. 


Toxic Money Poisons Your Money Energy 

Your money energy sets the course of all your experiences with money. 

When you encounter toxic money, negative energy creeps into your life and poisons all your money energy. This can block your ability to...

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