How Toni Cleared $100k of Debt in 6 Months


Meet Toni. She’s not a celebrity, not famous, but she’s got an incredible story worth sharing. She managed to clear $100k of credit card debt (and you can too).

We started together about 6 months ago, and Toni was completely overwhelmed.

The anxiety, the guilt, feeling like a failure, wondering how she’d ever get a handle on the debt.

Even though she had the option of selling her house, she knew she had to address the underlying issue that had gotten her there in the first place, otherwise, it’d just happen again- except this time she wouldn’t have a house to bail herself out with.

She’d done course after course and spent a whole lot of money searching for that magic pill to help her get out of her situation. But it was only when she enrolled in my Debt To Diamonds course that she finally got her money mindset right- and the numbers followed.

“We met on a cruise a couple of years ago and I thought I could work with you. It was your...

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The Perfect Companion For Your Marketing

I spent many years following gurus who preached the idea of persevering through difficult challenges and “never giving up.”
It's not terrible advice. Obviously if you quit, it's game over.

But "never giving up" is not enough.
The harsh truth is: if you keep using the wrong techniques, you may never get there.
This realization occurred to me when I came across a business coach's video about getting your marketing right.
I had been stuck on a marketing issue for far too long. And I mean 'stuck' because by not knowing what to change, I couldn’t get the results I wanted.
The thought of never getting there terrified me. So I hired this business coach... and he helped me fix my issue on our very first call!
That's what happens when you fork out the big bucks and get help from an expert.
And then it dawned on me... the exact same thing is true for your money mindset: if you never clear your money blocks, you may...
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How I Manifested 100 Designer Dresses on New Years Day


Is Manifestation a real thing or is it just luck?

There seems to be two schools of thought on manifestation.

Those who swear by it - and those who think its spiritual fluff.

As a money mindset coach, people assume I'm in the first camp.

But I agree with both perspectives.

You see, the problem is that people who claim to 'manifest' things, tend to only say that when good things happen.

They have no explanation for the times things don't work out.

And they usually can't teach the process to anyone.

This is what I call Magical Manifesting - basically nothing more than wishing and hoping.

Like the time I printed out the picture of the $1M cheque from The Secret and stuck it up on my wall... and nothing happened.

I felt like an idiot for doing it but I didn't give up on the concept of manifestation.


Because lots of big things have come to me over the years that seemed like more than random coincidences.

Things like the prestigious business scholarship I got at the end of high...

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How I Got Out of $97,000 of Personal Debt


Today I want to share my story about how I got out of $97,000 of credit card debt.

Yep… $97,000.

I felt inspired to share this because a friend of mine told me yesterday that she thought I’d had a perfect life and I’d never struggled with money.

Can you believe it?

If that’s what my friend thought, then it means I’ve been pretty darn good at keeping my debt a secret… and I did it mostly because I was so embarrassed about it.

I’ve been keeping it a secret when in fact, it’s the whole reason I went looking for help and stumbled across money blocks.

Finding and releasing my money blocks changed my entire money story and also allowed me to quit my corporate job and create my dream business.

I shared a video today in my private Facebook group about my personal story and why I’m so passionate about showing business owners how to fix their relationship with money.

I wanted you to see it too, even if you’re not in my...

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Aligning Your Business with the Energy of Money


As an entrepreneur, how you manage your relationship with money in your personal life also determines your success in business. Ultimately, you want to be the master of your money and your mindset. 


Your Money Energy

The state of your personal and business finances is a direct reflection of the money energy you carry. 

So what exactly is Money Energy? 

Your money energy is made up of the thoughts and beliefs you have about money. These thoughts and beliefs trigger specific emotions that get stored in your nervous system.

To put it another way, your money energy is basically how you feel about money - i.e. whether you have mostly positive or negative experiences with money. 

Most of the thoughts, beliefs and emotions you have about money were formed many years ago, when you were a young child. And that energy is what determines your relationship with money today.  


How To Control Your Money Energy 

To have a great relationship with...

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Being Prepared For Opportunities


The inspiration for this week’s post is my band, The D'Lights. They’ve taught me one of the biggest lessons that can be applied in any business and industry which is how to be prepared for opportunities. 

If I had to break it down I’d say:

Master your craft: put your skills to work, get really good at what you do, and be the best in your field. "Success happens at the intersection of preparedness and opportunity".  

We've been singing together for years working at our craft. A few days ago we sang at a church service, and someone approached us afterwards and decided to book us for a gig. 

If we hadn't done the work that got us to sounding the way that we do, those opportunities wouldn't come our way. The same thing applies to any business.

Do you want an opportunity to speak on stage? Take the first step by having your speech ready. Know what your offer is and know exactly how you're going to handle the situation. Or at least be prepared to...

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Wealth Creation Through Property Investing


One of the things that's really important in wealth creation is ensuring that you've actually got the two pillars in place:

  1. Your Money Mindset - and if you've watched any of my videos previously you would have heard me talk a lot about that and how important it is to make sure that you're not repelling money, and that you're actually attracting it by energetically having the right mindset to bring more money into your life.

  2. Having a Strategy to create wealth, because without that, you don't have any clear action that you're taking to build wealth.

One of the most effective and probably under-utilised strategies, is Property Investment, and today I'm featuring a special guest and expert: Tim Allwood - the Director of Compass Property Investments, to address some key questions about property investing as a wealth creation strategy.


  1. Property Investing is a great wealth creation strategy, but possibly one that is under-utilised by Australians in particular. What...
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