How Toni Cleared $100k of Debt in 6 Months


Meet Toni. She’s not a celebrity, not famous, but she’s got an incredible story worth sharing. She managed to clear $100k of credit card debt (and you can too).

We started together about 6 months ago, and Toni was completely overwhelmed.

The anxiety, the guilt, feeling like a failure, wondering how she’d ever get a handle on the debt.

Even though she had the option of selling her house, she knew she had to address the underlying issue that had gotten her there in the first place, otherwise, it’d just happen again- except this time she wouldn’t have a house to bail herself out with.

She’d done course after course and spent a whole lot of money searching for that magic pill to help her get out of her situation. But it was only when she enrolled in my Debt To Diamonds course that she finally got her money mindset right- and the numbers followed.

“We met on a cruise a couple of years ago and I thought I could work with you. It was your...

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