Ten Powerful Affirmations To Attract Wealth & Abundance


In this article, I'm going to share 10 powerful affirmations that you can use to attract more wealth and abundance.

I will call out from the outset that this isn't your typical feel-good affirmations post. I'm actually going to give you these affirmations, but with a very specific purpose and it's probably not what you think.

So first up, I thought I would actually explain what an affirmation is because not everyone might be familiar with the term. So, let's start with the official definition of an affirmation from the dictionary: an affirmation is to affirm that something is true.

Now there's a big problem here. Straight away, alarm bells went off and I just remembered my English teacher saying, "You can't use the word you're trying to define in the definition." So, that kind of breaks that rule and is not overly helpful if you don't know what an affirmation is.

So another way I can explain what an affirmation is, is that it's like stating a declaration - and stating that you firmly believe that something is true. But I would go a step further and say that you're also combining that with intention.

So it may not be a fact in the present moment, that the statement is true, but you're stating with all of your intention and it's something that you want to attract to you, or that you believe will be true in a place and time in the very near future.

As an example, you might say, "I'm an awesome and a powerful money magnet". And whether you entirely believe that to be true in the present moment, you're still putting an intention out there that it's the way you'd like to be.

Equally, often people will use it around a specific monetary amount. So they'll say, "I've attracted a million dollars" or "I bring a million dollars easily into my life". And so you may not have that million dollars today, but you're certainly putting that intention out there and you're stating that it's going to be true at a point in time.

So hopefully that makes sense around what an affirmation actually is.

Now, the way we frequently get taught to use affirmations by a lot of personal development gurus, to come up with a list of statements that you want to declare with intent so that you can attract those things into your life.

But one of the things you might hear me say repeatedly in my videos, is that in a lot of cases, affirmations don't work. So, I don't blame you if you're wondering why I'm going to give you 10 powerful affirmations if they don't work.

So let me explain why they don't work a lot of the time. The simple reason is that if you don't believe them, then they don't work because it's like repeating something and you're hoping it will come true, but every time you say a statement like "I'm easily attracting a million dollars into my life", there's a little voice in your head that, while you're saying this affirmation, is, and excuse my language, is sort of going "Bullshit, bullshit!"

And so, part of you is resisting the very thing that you're trying to put out there as an intention.

These affirmations I'm going to give you today actually have a dual benefit.

  • The first one is, and the whole reason I'm giving them to you, is that I want you to identify your resistance around these affirmations because that's really the key to then being able to go on and use affirmations that work.

  • And so the second benefit is that if you can learn to identify that resistance and then ultimately clear the resistance, then you end up with this great set of affirmations that will really work for you because you would've worked through all the reasons you might be rejecting those affirmations.

I'm now going to give you these 10 powerful affirmations and I'm going to give you a little test first - so what I want you to do is as I go through and I say each of these affirmations, I want you to just have a mental check. Listen to the statement and then assess your level of belief or disbelief around each statement and give yourself a score out of 10.

For example, after I say the first statement, if you don't believe it at all, so you're thinking, "oh no, that doesn't feel true for me" (and by the way, it might not even come out in the form of disbelief; it could be that it sparks anger or it reminds you of maybe an area that you failed at before which might bring up any kind of negative emotion).

So if you're right there and feeling really triggered by that, then you would give yourself a zero. If you completely believe it, and when I say completely believe it, it's highly likely to be something that you're already doing effectively or that you've mastered in the past, then you would give yourself a 10. Your score could be anything in between as well.

You'll notice too, when I give you these affirmations, they're not all specifically focused on money, even though I'm saying they're designed to attract wealth and abundance, and there's a deliberate reason for that. It's because really having a strong money mindset means that you've got balance in all areas of your life which requires you to overcome all forms of self sabotage in a number of areas.

For example, this could relate to your productivity, your ability to learn, or your commitment to completing things. And so, I'll touch on a few different areas, but ultimately, they're designed to help you take empowered action, which when you do that effectively, you will form a strong money mindset and you will bring about tangible results.

You'll start to notice a pattern here because when you don't believe in affirmations, then you self sabotage and end up not getting the results. And when you don't get the results, then you don't believe your affirmations even more. So you end up in this vicious cycle.

To break this cycle, you can start at either end of the spectrum. You can start with sheer will power trying to change your results or you can work on your affirmations and your resistance and then you'll start to see that get reflected in your results.

So let's dive in and get started with our little test where I'm going to call out 10 affirmations and I want you to rate yourself on a scale of zero to 10 in terms of whether you believe them or not (with zero meaning you don't believe them at all and don't think they're achievable for you; and 10 meaning you completely resonate with it and you probably already doing that).

So here are the affirmations:

  1. I'm enough right now no matter what
  2. I'm financially free and I live in a home I love
  3. Money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources, on a continuous basis, and I make over one million dollars per year
  4. I'm happy, confident and I radiate positive energy, calmness of mind and love
  5. I'm an articulate speaker and I present with conviction
  6. I generate profits with ease and in masses
  7. I always arrive early for my appointments (and that's actually a great one for people who find that they're always late because I do find that does stem from your own form of self sabotage, but also self-limiting belief)
  8. I am focused and productive
  9. I'm a master of strategy, execution and outsourcing
  10. I always do what needs to be done at once

Ok, test over! How did you go rating yourself against my 10 powerful affirmations for attracting wealth and abundance?

If some low scores have popped up for you, please stay tuned for the next post where I will show you how you can turn those low scores around and genuinely start believing these affirmations.

Comment below and let me know if you encountered any unexpected resistance. 


To your success,


p.s. Whenever you're ready to experience a massive money mindset breakthrough, here's how I can help you: 

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