Why You Should Start With Your Mindset... and How To Do It Quickly!


Building a business is a bit like building a house. You're going to have much longer lasting success and a much stronger house if you lay solid foundations to begin with. A powerful, positive mindset helps build a strong foundation in your business. There are three core elements that you need to succeed as an entrepreneur in business.

1. A powerful and positive mindset: This relates to having the right kind of energy, clarity and focus in your business.

2. Strategy: Embarking on a business and succeeding requires you to have really clear goals. You need to have clarity on what your goals are and specifically, your key success metrics. 

If your goal is to hit seven figures this year from a service-based business, you’ll want to break down the following metrics: 

  • How many clients you need for your various products or packages to get to your revenue goal.
  • How many sales calls you need to make to enrol that number of clients.
  • How many leads you need to generate that...
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Why I Help People With Their Money Blocks


When I reflect back on my life, I think it's fair to say I’ve achieved a good amount of success, however the truth is, I was never really as successful as I wanted to be. Or to be more accurate, it didn’t happen in the way I wanted it to.

During my teens and twenties, I had very low self-esteem even though I appeared to be confident (probably because I did a lot of public speaking and sang in bands). My successes felt like a fluke because I didn't believe in myself and I just sort of pushed myself to achieve certain things.

During my 30s, I was rapidly climbing the corporate ladder, but the stress of the job was killing me. I knew I didn’t want to do accounting forever - and that is when I drew on my passion around personal development and started a life coaching certification.

Life coaching teaches you a systematic way to achieve your goals alongside working on things like your self-limiting beliefs. I used it to get promoted in my own career and I started to...

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Setting Up Solid Foundations For Business Success


One of the quirky things that I always wanted when I was a child was a waterbed. As soon as I bought my first home, I got myself a waterbed and I've had it ever since. Waterbeds are built with very strong, solid foundations so they can last you a lifetime if you look after them.

Just like a waterbed, you've got to have really solid foundations in your personal life to be able to succeed in building an authentic business. If you don't clean up the rubbish in your personal life, then you're going to bring that energy directly across into your business.

Two areas that entrepreneurs in particular need to address when trying to succeed in business are:

1. Making sure that you deal with your personal baggage. If you’re still harboring resentment or anger towards others and if you can’t move on from memories of past events, then it’s going to affect your ability to focus on what’s happening for you now.  You're going to feel like your focus gets broken where...

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How Your Early Money Memories Impact Your Life


Have you ever thought about how your early money memories might impact your life? I'm specifically referring to an early interaction with money that left a big impression on you. If you're not sure what I mean or why it matters, what I'm describing here is a process where the interactions you have with money when you're really young, form part of what's called your earliest money paradigm.  

This paradigm shapes everything about your interaction with the world around money and these ideas get solidified when we're really young. So I'd like you to try and go back, and see if you can remember your earliest interaction with money because these events can have a huge impact on your life.  When these money interactions go unchallenged, especially if you've had a negative interaction with money,  then they start to form part of your money paradigm. This means you carry beliefs about money that show up in your money patterns as you're growing up and...

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How To Get On Top Of Your Debt


We’re continuing with our Types of Money series, and today is all about debt.

If you missed the last post about savings, you can read all about it here.


Why is debt such an important component of your relationship with money? 

Talking about debt is actually one of my favourite topics because I love helping people break free from the crippling feeling of being in debt.

If you do have some debt, touching on this topic might make you feel a little bit uncomfortable. If it does, it just means it's triggering something within you.

Debt can be this deep dark secret you feel you've got to keep from the world. Like a dark cloud that hangs over you all the time and no matter what you do, you are constantly reminded it’s there.

The silver lining here is that if you can clearly identify a problem, name it, and talk about it in a healthy way, then you're really on the right track to being able to solve it.


Bad Debt Vs Good Debt

You might have come across terms...

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Your Money Mindset: The 6 Types of Money


One of the questions I get a lot from people as a coach is around whether or not people have a good money mindset. Many people think that if they can resonate with concepts like “abundance” then it means they have a good money mindset. And while abundance is a great thing to focus on, that doesn't necessarily mean that you've got a great mindset around money.

Whenever I'm talking about money, I really like to get into the specifics. When I’m coaching my clients, we don't focus on concepts like abundance. Instead, we get down to the nitty-gritty of it and actually talk about the different types of money.

Today want to give you a quick intro into six types of money that I actually focus on.

Later this week I will go into each of these types of money in more detail.

The first type of money is savings. Can you save money? Have you ever been able to save money? And how do you feel when you think about saving money?

The idea of savings might make you feel...

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