Aligning Your Business with the Energy of Money


As an entrepreneur, how you manage your relationship with money in your personal life also determines your success in business. Ultimately, you want to be the master of your money and your mindset. 


Your Money Energy

The state of your personal and business finances is a direct reflection of the money energy you carry. 

So what exactly is Money Energy? 

Your money energy is made up of the thoughts and beliefs you have about money. These thoughts and beliefs trigger specific emotions that get stored in your nervous system.

To put it another way, your money energy is basically how you feel about money - i.e. whether you have mostly positive or negative experiences with money. 

Most of the thoughts, beliefs and emotions you have about money were formed many years ago, when you were a young child. And that energy is what determines your relationship with money today.  


How To Control Your Money Energy 

To have a great relationship with...

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Where Manifesting Ends and Action Begins


Manifesting is not about dreaming and wishful thinking. It’s about aligning yourself with the energy of effective action-taking that makes dreams come true. When you're authentically aligned to that energy, you won’t need to motivate yourself to take action towards your goals. It just happens.


Magical Manifestors vs. Masterful Manifestors
Magical Manifestors falsely believe that manifestation is all about visualizing and positive thinking. They devote excessive amounts of time to making vision boards and writing affirmations, waiting for their dreams to drop into their laps.

Masterful Manifestors know that it takes more than wishful thinking to make your dreams come true. It takes solid and consistent action.

You can spot a magical manifestor a mile away because they never seem to hit their goals. And here’s why:

If the Magical Manifestors were truly committed to their goals, their energy would move them into this action. Instead, what they’re really...

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Financial Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “failing to plan is planning to fail” - it’s a catchy phrase that says you should set goals! We all know we should set goals, yet lots of entrepreneurs are flying blind without a clear list of goals.
Why Goal Setting is Important
Most people get into their cars with a destination in mind. You don’t see people driving down the street wondering whether to go straight, turn left or turn right.
That would be crazy, right?
But this is what so many entrepreneurs do: they drive around aimlessly, thinking “I need to make money.”
Making money is important but being a successful entrepreneur is about so much more.
It’s what you plan to do with money that matters. And you’re much more likely to succeed if you have a clear plan that addresses your 'how’ and your 'why’.
Your plans can come together easily if you take the time...
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Money Blocks | Where They Come From & How To Fix Them


If you’ve been watching my videos on money mindset mastery, you already know the importance of neutralizing your money blocks. These 3 simple steps will help you tap into their roots to clear them out fast! 


The 2 Major Money Blocks 

Money blocks are self-limiting beliefs around money. When left unchecked, they keep you stuck. This happens in one of two ways: 

1. Money blocks make you stay poor

For people with this type of money block, saving feels impossible. Somehow money always runs out and you can’t help but spend everything you earn. For some, it means cycling in and out of debt, unable to truly break out. For others, it’s never being able to reach your income goals, regardless of strategies and effort. 

2. Money blocks make you feel poor

With this type of money block, you may have money in the bank, but your feelings about money are negative: anxious, fearful, guilty, or ashamed. You find yourself unable to enjoy your objectively...

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The Truth About The Law of Attraction


The Law of Attraction states that whatever you feel and believe, you will attract more of into your life. To use the Law of Attraction to manifest more money, many entrepreneurs use affirmations that focus on prosperity and abundance. 

But these affirmations don’t always work. 

First of all, concepts like ‘prosperity’ and ‘abundance’ are really non-specific and they don’t draw out any resistance we might have to going after a specific money goals. 

More importantly, when you say words like, “I'm so grateful that I’ve manifested a million dollars by the end of this year” but you don’t really believe it, you actually align yourself more strongly to the belief that you can’t do it, than to the affirmation. 

To get the Law of Attraction to work for you, you have to be completely aligned to the belief that achieving your goals is really possible for you. 


The Two Parts of Your Mind 


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How Your Mind Really Works


The best symbol of the mind is an iceberg. If you want to change where the visible part of your life moves, you’ve got to look at what’s happening in what’s hidden below the surface. 


Your Mind Is Not Your Brain

Your mind is your entire operating system, including your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your habits. It's everything about how you operate, including your body that physically carries out the instructions given by the conscious or subconscious mind. 


The Iceberg Metaphor 

What we can see of the iceberg above the surface of the water is actually misleading in comparison to the size of the whole thing. As you can see from this image, there is a pristine formation on the top, while what’s hidden underneath is an absolutely massive formation that is kind of doing its own thing.

This is exactly how your mind works. Let’s look at the two parts:  


Your Conscious Mind 

The top part of the...

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The Secret Force That Controls Your Results


If you're one of the many people who miss your goals year-in and year-out, then the information that I'm about to share with you could change your life. It all starts with your paradigm. 


What Failure To Achieve Is Not 

The formula that's presented to us most commonly is that to achieve a goal, to get a result, to get an outcome, you need to take a series of actions, and those actions will cause different reactions to happen that produces that result. If you fail, it’s because you don't take the right actions, or you’re very inconsistent.

Following this way of thinking, everyone tells you to get a better strategy, do another course, get more motivated to take more action, to take different actions. But even when you do all that, you find yourself in the same position over and over again. 

So something must be wrong with that. 


Goal Achievement Depends on Your Paradigm 

What a lot of people don't know is that there is a driving force...

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Why Most People Suck At Achieving Their Goals


Achieving goals is as simple as going from Point A to Point B. Point A is where you are right now, and Point B is where you want to go. So why do so few people ever actually arrive at Point B? 


A Twofold Problem

The reason so few people achieve their goals is two-fold: 

  1. People don't have clear goals, so they can’t be effective in reaching them.
  2. People don't address the root cause of why they failed to achieve those goals, and they just simply reset them. 

The first half of the problem is easy to solve: Just get specific. For example, don’t just say “I want to earn more money.” Write down, “I want to make $10,000/month.” If you need more help getting specific about your goals, leave your comment below and I will send you some free materials to help.

For now, it’s the second half of the problem we need to address more closely: the root cause of previous failures. 

If you think about what I've said--Point A being...

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How To Break The Cycle of Being Bad With Money


When you lose sight of how much you spend, it is really easy for small things to add up and get out of control, keeping you stuck in that feeling that you’re “Just bad with money.” 

Get back on top of your money by increasing the visibility of your expenses! 

Let’s look at how it works… 


Tracking Allows You to Identify the Problem and Manage It  

When you pay attention to what you spend and you keep those numbers visible in the front of your mind, then you can actually take practical action to manage your money game.

In the Money Mindset Bootcamp that I run, one of the big things that we do is to look at your money in real terms. We gather the data of your income and spending habits, and from there we set what your budget is.  

The first step is to review your bank statements and bills and do the math to get an idea of roughly what it is that you spend and where. (Some people don’t even realize they spend...

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How To Use Anger To Fuel Your Success


Knowing how to neutralize negative energy is critical for developing a sound money mindset. But sometimes negative emotions, especially anger, make great fuel to get you going. 


A Competitive Process

I recently attended the 30th-anniversary ball for a scholarship program I was a part of when I was at university. During her speech, the program director spoke of the 1,000+ students who compete each year for only 30 places. It reminded me of what that competitive process was like for me, years ago. While years of hard work and some good luck played their parts in my success, so did anger.

You see, among other things this application required a reference letter. I decided to petition my school’s Curriculum Coordinator, an older gentleman and a science teacher. But when I brought him my paperwork, with all my hope, he just said, “I don't know why you're applying for this. You're just gonna get really disappointed. Girls from our school don't get these...

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