She Made It Happen ;)

🔥I just became an International Bestselling Author on Amazon! ðŸ”¥

I'm kinda speechless...

My book launched today and within a few hours, it became a Bestseller in multiple countries! 

The crazy thing is, it became a #1 Hot New Release so quickly, I didn't even have time to announce that it launched! 

So what's the book about? 

It's called She Made It Happen and it's a collection of inspirational stories from 15 amazing women...

For some female entrepreneurs, making a dream into reality can be a daunting prospect.

Perhaps you lack the confidence to put your latest plans into action? Maybe the prospect of change frightens you a little? Or maybe you simply just need help to map out which steps to take next.

In this book, you will hear from 15 inspirational female entrepreneurs from all around the world, who at one point felt just the same.

From their stories, you will learn how each woman overcame the same entrepreneurial challenges you might be...

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How Your Mind Really Works


The best symbol of the mind is an iceberg. If you want to change where the visible part of your life moves, you’ve got to look at what’s happening in what’s hidden below the surface. 


Your Mind Is Not Your Brain

Your mind is your entire operating system, including your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, your habits. It's everything about how you operate, including your body that physically carries out the instructions given by the conscious or subconscious mind. 


The Iceberg Metaphor 

What we can see of the iceberg above the surface of the water is actually misleading in comparison to the size of the whole thing. As you can see from this image, there is a pristine formation on the top, while what’s hidden underneath is an absolutely massive formation that is kind of doing its own thing.

This is exactly how your mind works. Let’s look at the two parts:  


Your Conscious Mind 

The top part of the...

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The Secret Force That Controls Your Results


If you're one of the many people who miss your goals year-in and year-out, then the information that I'm about to share with you could change your life. It all starts with your paradigm. 


What Failure To Achieve Is Not 

The formula that's presented to us most commonly is that to achieve a goal, to get a result, to get an outcome, you need to take a series of actions, and those actions will cause different reactions to happen that produces that result. If you fail, it’s because you don't take the right actions, or you’re very inconsistent.

Following this way of thinking, everyone tells you to get a better strategy, do another course, get more motivated to take more action, to take different actions. But even when you do all that, you find yourself in the same position over and over again. 

So something must be wrong with that. 


Goal Achievement Depends on Your Paradigm 

What a lot of people don't know is that there is a driving force...

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Why Most People Suck At Achieving Their Goals


Achieving goals is as simple as going from Point A to Point B. Point A is where you are right now, and Point B is where you want to go. So why do so few people ever actually arrive at Point B? 


A Twofold Problem

The reason so few people achieve their goals is two-fold: 

  1. People don't have clear goals, so they can’t be effective in reaching them.
  2. People don't address the root cause of why they failed to achieve those goals, and they just simply reset them. 

The first half of the problem is easy to solve: Just get specific. For example, don’t just say “I want to earn more money.” Write down, “I want to make $10,000/month.” If you need more help getting specific about your goals, leave your comment below and I will send you some free materials to help.

For now, it’s the second half of the problem we need to address more closely: the root cause of previous failures. 

If you think about what I've said--Point A being...

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How To Break The Cycle of Being Bad With Money


When you lose sight of how much you spend, it is really easy for small things to add up and get out of control, keeping you stuck in that feeling that you’re “Just bad with money.” 

Get back on top of your money by increasing the visibility of your expenses! 

Let’s look at how it works… 


Tracking Allows You to Identify the Problem and Manage It  

When you pay attention to what you spend and you keep those numbers visible in the front of your mind, then you can actually take practical action to manage your money game.

In the Money Mindset Bootcamp that I run, one of the big things that we do is to look at your money in real terms. We gather the data of your income and spending habits, and from there we set what your budget is.  

The first step is to review your bank statements and bills and do the math to get an idea of roughly what it is that you spend and where. (Some people don’t even realize they spend...

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How To Use Anger To Fuel Your Success


Knowing how to neutralize negative energy is critical for developing a sound money mindset. But sometimes negative emotions, especially anger, make great fuel to get you going. 


A Competitive Process

I recently attended the 30th-anniversary ball for a scholarship program I was a part of when I was at university. During her speech, the program director spoke of the 1,000+ students who compete each year for only 30 places. It reminded me of what that competitive process was like for me, years ago. While years of hard work and some good luck played their parts in my success, so did anger.

You see, among other things this application required a reference letter. I decided to petition my school’s Curriculum Coordinator, an older gentleman and a science teacher. But when I brought him my paperwork, with all my hope, he just said, “I don't know why you're applying for this. You're just gonna get really disappointed. Girls from our school don't get these...

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Making More Money Will NOT Clear Your Money Blocks


Money blocks are self-limiting beliefs around your income and income goals. What you may not realize, however, is that simply making more money does not clear your money blocks. And until you do clear your money blocks, your money problems may only get worse. 


More Money, More Problems 

There's a common misconception out there that making money can solve all of your problems. As I’ve learned from my own experience, and see all the time in the lives of our clients here at Money Mindset Accelerator, money problems don’t go away until money blocks are cleared. 

As you make more money and you become more successful, everything that you do gets magnified. If you haven't dealt with your money blocks, they’ll get magnified too, and you'll find even bigger ways to lose money and get yourself into financial trouble. 

For example, no matter how much you earn, you can always spend more. And if you have fear, anxiety, panic or guilt around money,...

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Make More Money and Give More of Your Time


What Is The The Law Of Reciprocity?

At the most basic level, we could use the entrepreneur example: you've got something to sell, products or services, and you will provide those in exchange for a fee. 

That's kind of basic giving and receiving, but I believe there is a much broader application of that as well, in business, and certainly in other aspects of life. 

Some of the mentors that I've worked with, like Akbar Sheikh and Julie Tingen who both use the tagline “make more so you can give more” believe that we, as entrepreneurs, can make as much money as we can so that we can ultimately give a lot more back. 


Do You Feel That Making More Money Is Greedy? 

Some people feel that making a lot of money is really greedy.  If that applies to you I'd urge you to challenge yourself look for the belief that’s causing that particular money block. 

There's no reason why you have to be greedy if you make a lot of money. My view is...

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Being Prepared For Opportunities


The inspiration for this week’s post is my band, The D'Lights. They’ve taught me one of the biggest lessons that can be applied in any business and industry which is how to be prepared for opportunities. 

If I had to break it down I’d say:

Master your craft: put your skills to work, get really good at what you do, and be the best in your field. "Success happens at the intersection of preparedness and opportunity".  

We've been singing together for years working at our craft. A few days ago we sang at a church service, and someone approached us afterwards and decided to book us for a gig. 

If we hadn't done the work that got us to sounding the way that we do, those opportunities wouldn't come our way. The same thing applies to any business.

Do you want an opportunity to speak on stage? Take the first step by having your speech ready. Know what your offer is and know exactly how you're going to handle the situation. Or at least be prepared to...

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Where Self-Limiting Beliefs Come From


Today we’re discussing self-limiting beliefs and paradigms. 
Your beliefs are not just your thoughts, they also seep into your habits, behavior and character. 

Self-limiting beliefs are formed at a very young age. Around the age of four or five your conscious mind isn't fully formed. A young, impressionable mind doesn’t have the ability to interpret things to either accept them or reject them. It absorbs everything that goes on around you and pretty soon you end up thinking “this is how the world works”, and it becomes your paradigm. 

Whether your parents were happy or they argued, whether money was tight or not, it had an impact on your subconscious mind. That’s how beliefs about money are formed. Over hearing conversations like “money doesn't grow on trees” or “rich people are greedy” would have conditioned you to have a certaing paradigm or belief about money. 


How To Reprogram Self-limiting...

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